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Ven. Gueshe Lobshang Jamphel
Honorary President of JIN-PA

Geshe Jamphel was born in 1961 in central Tibet, near Lhasa. He received the ordination of a monk at the age of 19. He studied three years in his monastery until, because of the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1982, he went into exile in India, where he continued his studies at the monastic University of SERA JHE, finishing them in 1999 with the maximum degree of Geshe Lharampa.

He then moved, as resident teacher, to the Nalanda Monastery of the FPMT in France. In 2002, Lama Thubten Zopa appointed him resident teacher of the Vajrayogini center in Barcelona, a function that he continues to exercise at the Nagarjuna Center for Tibetan Buddhism Studies, after the merger of both in 2004.
In November 2007 he promoted the constitution of the JIN-PA Association, accepting the position of Honorary President and Guide of the Association.
Ven Geshe Lobsang Jamphel is the main stronghold of the Entity. Besides being the Abbot of the Monastery of Nalanda in France, he has in the Monastery of Sera Jhe, one of the Konshens that compose it: SERA JHE TSE THANG KHANG TSENG 28, where about 100 monks of all ages live and study.

About 7,000 monks live in the whole monastic city of SERA JHE.
It is the hub of reference for the camps in the area where we work (Bylakuppe, South India). Ven Geshe Lobsang Jamphel, as the authority he is, is our GUARANTEE SEAL for JIN-PA projects to be carried out effectively.

Most of our Projects are born from the needs expressed by the heads of the camps. Here we look for the resources and they themselves take care of all the execution and maintenance processes.
This is very important; it allows us to optimize the resources allocated since normally we only require the displacement of a volunteer to the area once a year.
 Ven. Gueshe Lobshang Jamphel
Presidente Honorifico y Guía de JIN-PA